
Archive for April, 2019

Laxton’s Epicure apple

As we have done for a number of years, we publish the blossom records for the National Fruit Collection at Brogdale, undertaken and kindly supplied by Lorinda Jewsbury. These are records for a selection of varieties (standards and any new accessions) from all the tree fruit collections at Brogdale, Kent.

18th April 2019

So far this season, the blossom in the NFC orchards has (in general) opened a couple of weeks earlier than last year. Some varieties took advantage of the mild March weather, with the plums, pears and a few of the early cherries in particular opening their blossom 6-8 days earlier than their recorded 10-year mean. However, a dip in temperatures and some pretty cold nights held the rest back and brought them more into line with their 10-year means.

The past couple of days have been much warmer here at Brogdale and the forecast for the Easter weekend is for even higher day-time temperatures. With brighter days and warmer nights, the coming weekend should see the apples and cherries really spring into action. Just this morning I noticed a handful of apples that had by-passed the 10% mark and fully opened 25% of flowers in one go. Although a few tend to do this each year, the number was quite noticeable today. Next week is likely to be a busy one for recording blossom, if the weather holds as predicted, and most of the remaining varieties should be open for business.

Lorinda Jewsbury




Cambridge Gage: 1st April (10% open); 4th April (full flower)

Czar: 26th March (10% open); 30th March (full flower); 16th April (90% petal fall)

Denniston’s Superb (Imperial Gage): 23rd March (10% open); 26th March (full flower); 4th April (90% petal fall)

Farleigh Damson: 29th March (10% open); 30th March (full flower); 16th April (90% petal fall)

Marjorie’s Seedling: 2nd April (10% open); 5th April (full flower); 18th April (90% petal fall)

Oullins Gage: 26th March (10% open); 29th March (full flower); 15th April (90% petal fall)

Pershore Yellow Egg: 28th March (10% open); 30th March (full flower); 12th April (90% petal fall)

Victoria: 29th March (10% open); 1st April (full flower); 10th April (90% petal fall)



Concorde: 12th April (10% open); 16th April (full flower);

Conference: 12th April (10% open); 16th April (full flower);

Doyenne du Comice: 16th April (10% open); 18th April (full flower);

Louise Bonne of Jersey: 2nd April (10% open); 7th April (full flower);



Early Rivers: 7th April (10% open); 10th April (full flower);

Hertford: 8th April (10% open); 15th April (full flower);

Lapins: 7th April (10% open); 11th April (full flower);

Merchant: 17th April (10% open);

Stella: 15th April (10% open);

Sunburst: 17th April (10% open);



Blenheim Orange:

Bramley’s Seedling:

Cox’s Orange Pippin:

Crawley Beauty:


Egremont Russet: 17th April (10% open);

Falstaff: 18th April (10% open);


Fiesta/Red Pippin:


James Grieve:

Jonagold: 18th April (10% open);

Meridian: 18th April (10% open);

Red Astrachan: 6th April (10% open); 10th April (full flower);

St. Edmund’s Pippin: 17th April (10% open);

Worcester Pearmain:

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Kentish Red: a cherry probably grown in Tudor times and now growing in National Fruit Collection, Brogdale, Kent

Following  training at RHS Wisley, I am now working as a kitchen gardener and am studying for my masters in garden history. After a lecturer mentioned ‘the Tudor Cherry craze’ I thought I would like to write my dissertation on this subject, I have just begun my research, so any pointers, suggestions of gardens or sources would be gratefully received. Alternatively if there is another historical fruit related topic you would like researched please feel free to suggest those too as it might turn out I can’t get enough to proceed with Tudor cherries. Many thanks, I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully contributing to the forum.

Ashleigh Davies

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